Thursday, September 1, 2011

Goals - Are we there yet?

In Four months this year would end, but still there is enough time to catch up on your goals if you haven't thought about them recently. I had personally written in my journal goals for this year, some were related to my career, some around self-development and some around family. For some I faired pretty good and for some I do have catching up to do. Many of you would wonder and think what if I haven’t written them beginning of this year. My answer to them would be “Don’t Sweat” Incremental improvements on daily basis.

For example if waking up in the morning is something very challenging for you, promise yourself to get disciplined with that. If you need better control over your finance then promise yourself to first deposit 40-50% in your savings at the minimum and then spend rest of your basics. Imagine this 1% change on daily bases would equate to 30% at the end of the month. By end of this year you may have achieved lot more than you would have ever planned in your life. Being self-aware is a must, you need to know what you would like to change in you and what aspects you want to be better at, once you know that it’s all about promising yourself and getting disciplined with it.

Don’t regret on the time you have already missed for this year but learn from it and going for forward promise yourself to never repeat it. Until my next blog, I wish you all a very best in achieving all yours goals you have planned for the rest of the year!!