Thursday, September 1, 2011

Goals - Are we there yet?

In Four months this year would end, but still there is enough time to catch up on your goals if you haven't thought about them recently. I had personally written in my journal goals for this year, some were related to my career, some around self-development and some around family. For some I faired pretty good and for some I do have catching up to do. Many of you would wonder and think what if I haven’t written them beginning of this year. My answer to them would be “Don’t Sweat” Incremental improvements on daily basis.

For example if waking up in the morning is something very challenging for you, promise yourself to get disciplined with that. If you need better control over your finance then promise yourself to first deposit 40-50% in your savings at the minimum and then spend rest of your basics. Imagine this 1% change on daily bases would equate to 30% at the end of the month. By end of this year you may have achieved lot more than you would have ever planned in your life. Being self-aware is a must, you need to know what you would like to change in you and what aspects you want to be better at, once you know that it’s all about promising yourself and getting disciplined with it.

Don’t regret on the time you have already missed for this year but learn from it and going for forward promise yourself to never repeat it. Until my next blog, I wish you all a very best in achieving all yours goals you have planned for the rest of the year!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Persistence has various understanding as people experience and implement in their own lives!!
For me, recently this word was Re-defined that I would like to share.

In January I have installed a new service, providers name shall stay anonymous.
To my disbelief I learned about a humongous bill which disheartened me.
I spoke about this to my aunt, she right then and there started making contacts and phone calls to the service agent to understand why things were the way they were , to my dismay her calls were not welcomed . She did not give up. Her unexceptionally persistent continued, She spoke to agent, then to the supervisor, then to managers and the list goes on.
Not only had that she went on to the site and whoever contact information in the customer relationship department she could find she called. Rejections followed from all different directions.
By mid-February, almost a month of follow through. I asked her to give up and told her she did her best and that this company would’t budge, I already paid the bill and forgot about it.

And now almost 2 months later she calls me yesterday and tells me that she had not given up. She continued pursuing making calls daily, leaving several message and she finally spoke to the VP of customer service department and they are ready to reconsider my bill.

WOW !! Awestruck by this incident
Never Never Never deny or underestimate Power of Persistence, Don’t ever GIVE UP, just because its not coming along the way you planned .
Short real life instance, but could be applicable in so many different ways!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Your Absolute Best

If you know for sure, what exactly you want to achieve for that day you will wake up full of energy and full of excitement.

The questions is how do you maintain the energy and excitement especially for the days when one doesn’t feel that motivated.

My answer to that is.
May be what you want or what you desire you do not have passion for it. "Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen." -Peter Marshall

Darren Hardy asked Richard Branson if he felt luck played a part in his success. He said, “Yes, of course, we are all lucky. If you live in a free society, you are lucky. Luck surrounds us every day; we are constantly having lucky things happen to us, whether you recognize it or not. I have not been any more lucky or unlucky than anyone else. The difference is when luck came my way, I took advantage of it.” Do you
Have a desire and passion about things in such a way that if you truly love what you do you shouldn’t be feeling as if you are really working.

When action becomes a religion and task becomes a discipline, you will conquer any desire you have to your highest potential energy.

Yes weather can be weary and yes there could be other events around you that could be distracting, one mantra that would help eliminate any side distraction would be reminding your self, before you start your day what is it that you want to do and if this were to be your last day before victory what would you do to your absolute best to deliver that.

Then see how the energy inpour your day and you will be able accomplish your task seamlessly with absolute perfection and most important of all this you will appease you and you will look forward for next day with same excitement and may be even more energy than the previous day..

Are you ready to try this?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thank You

I cannot thank enough of all the love and fun I had during thanksgiving weekend
It’s during these times of the year where one is humbled with love and care of the family they have.
I couldn’t have asked for more then what I have received, even though I would barely keep in touch with any of my family members its during these times of the year where as soon as you meet everything is as if you have kept in touch forever

It’s truly a magical moment of pure fun, sharing and caring happiness together
To all the family, friends and my dearest one! Shout Out to all of you!!!
Thank you for being there for me, thank you for believing in me and thank you for all the well wishes you have ushered on me!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's Not Always Performance

I have always struggle with the concept of performance until now or may I say at the least I am trying to take a shot at it.

Some says Performance is a summation of 3 P's Practice, Perseverance & Patience
Scientifically if someone ask I would say Performance equals Velocity which equates to Distance divided by the Time, which simply means how far one has succeeded over a given period of time.

It’s intriguing subject because when I am studying the concept of PIE Model (Performance Image and Exposure) from the entrepreneurs /business gurus around the world, performance constitutes only 10% of your success
Before we further deep dive a quick over view of what I am talking about.
Over years there has been a mantra taught in the professional world, in order to be successful and continue climbing the corporate ladder one needs to understand the concept of PIE Model = P(Performance the actual work you do, the results you deliver)+I(Image the others have of you)+E (Exposure enables you to be promoted) which constitutes 10% Performance, 30% Image and 60% Exposure.
So if that is the case, why do people struggle and try so hard for 10% and not concentrate on remaining 90%?
One easy answer could be lack of awareness to this concept; however deep dive answer lies as how we as human beings are wired .
We as human being, right from the birth have been trained to just keep striving and are expected to just focus on performing!!

So here is the challenge and change of thought. Lets for a change look at the entire compound and evaluate oneself in front of our seniors, colleagues or customers and try asses from that which piece of the equation needs to be worked on …One would be surprised IT'S NOT ALWAYS PERFORMANCE

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Just Do It

It’s been a while since I have written one, but it just amazes me how time has swung by.

Almost the end of the year and one thing that echoes in my mind, when I rate myself against my goals for this year, is the question “how well did I perform?”

If you have lost track of time and/or your game plan, then chances are you may feel it's a little too late to get back in the game to become a winner for the year. My challenge to you is how we can prove that this thought itself is wrong.

We have about 10 weeks to go before the year ends, that's plenty of time before one can call quits. So whatever be your passion and desire, my challenge to you all is ‘What is that one extraordinary thing you could do to make each day count’.

One extra incremental win everyday, just 1% each day would result in 30% by the end of the month.
I would say that is a pretty big win by itself.

So I urge you to look into your goals, rethink and rebuild that applaud able desire to excel every single day.
You want to start a business, re-energize yourself and "Just Do It"
You want to run a marathon or have the best physique,"Just Do It"
You want to Ace in your Studies or finish your certification, "Just Do It"

In short, no matter how impractical your desire or your goal may feel,
Remember the sign of a genius level performance is to give your best performance under undesirable circumstances

And lastly one of my favorite quotes, "To have what the Very few Have, do what the Very Few do"

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Who do you want to take your picture with?

This topic is a special dedication to my dear friend who enlightens me with his ideas.
Got another new learning in my life, which I would like to share with all of you.
I was disturbed by for the fact that I missed an opportunity to have my picture taken with a celebrity and my friend was not able to figure out why.
To my bewilderment, I asked him the same question and his answer astounded me

He told me about a couple, whose monthly income was only $1000. They alternated the days they would have a meal i.e. if husband eats his meal on Mondays, the wife would skip Mondays but instead eat on Tuesday and vice-verse. By doing so their monthly savings was around $400. The money thus saved was to be spent on helping someone in need!! “Wow” is what I said as soon I heard this…to this he said, he would want his picture to be taken with a couple like this!!
Another example, a beggar saving his money to help old-age home people who are helpless, dependent and have no source of income, he would want to take a picture with that person.

Sounds unrealistic, doesn’t? Do we really see many people who would cut corners to help someone who is a complete stranger and expect nothing in return? Give a thought to this, I am sure I will, and the next time when you have an opportunity, who would you want to take your picture with?