Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Who do you want to take your picture with?

This topic is a special dedication to my dear friend who enlightens me with his ideas.
Got another new learning in my life, which I would like to share with all of you.
I was disturbed by for the fact that I missed an opportunity to have my picture taken with a celebrity and my friend was not able to figure out why.
To my bewilderment, I asked him the same question and his answer astounded me

He told me about a couple, whose monthly income was only $1000. They alternated the days they would have a meal i.e. if husband eats his meal on Mondays, the wife would skip Mondays but instead eat on Tuesday and vice-verse. By doing so their monthly savings was around $400. The money thus saved was to be spent on helping someone in need!! “Wow” is what I said as soon I heard this…to this he said, he would want his picture to be taken with a couple like this!!
Another example, a beggar saving his money to help old-age home people who are helpless, dependent and have no source of income, he would want to take a picture with that person.

Sounds unrealistic, doesn’t? Do we really see many people who would cut corners to help someone who is a complete stranger and expect nothing in return? Give a thought to this, I am sure I will, and the next time when you have an opportunity, who would you want to take your picture with?