Thursday, April 30, 2009

Have you connected with yourself yet?

The most important and crucial aspectto one's life is to connect with one self.
Some may wonder why would it be so important.
But my challenge to them is, if you don't know what you want how will know what to do next?

I have seen my seniors and my colleagues moving around jumping up in their careers, pursuing a degree just because they hear that it is one of the most important thing in life or just because "Mr Bob got a job because he had a MBA from Wharton, hence if Mr Bob gets it this way even I want to have it".

I am not saying that learning best practises from others and pursuing them are of any harm. But what if in your pursuit of career you losing the track of your happiness? Is it really worth it?
So connect with your ownself. As Robin Sharma suggests have a holy hour in the evening and/or in early morning where you are just with your self. Do meditation or any relaxing activity that connects you within you and introspect to see where you want to head to. What is it that is most important to you? what is that makes you happy at the end of the day? If you have the answer my friend and that is what you are pursuing you are at super luck and if not start a brand new resolution today to make it happen!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spice up Summer with Summery drinks

Do you have friends visiting you over this summer.
Tired of mundane party routine, want to splash up this summer with some new kewl drinks
here it is

Yoga anyone???

So people wonder as to why Yoga. Most of the people who do believe it is good for the posture, makes your feel happier, relaxes your mind and body and all the other wonderful stuff!!
But there is more.

Along with those benefits
There are some Biochemical Benefits for example reduces your Na level...No kidding read the post below

For all of my workoutalcholics!! It is great aerobic workout as well...Couple of multiple sun salutations could go long way!!
check this out

Not completely satisfied yet check this one out

The whole purpose for sharing some of the basics links was share the Power of Yoga...
Have I atleast got everyone thinking about Yoga yet?

Entrepreneurship in its true Spirit

What does entrepreneurship mean to you? This question was asked to some people, I was honed by their answer, for some it means starting business on large scale or something, where you have some people reporting to you. Its about having a decent amount cash in hand or have an angel investor helping you to start a business…If you have all of that great! Yes some might say they are entrepreneurs. I would say sure…but there is more than that.

For an example, for someone if they are teaching lessons for them it could be as simple as lowering fees and getting more students and thus competing in tough economy. Starting a catering business over weekends from home. If you are an artist than doing an art show for summer festival or anything similar.

Bottom line is you don’t need to have 15 to 250 K to start your business. If there is something you truly believe in and something that could help the community and you are able to do that, you are an entrepreneur.
I remember my grandfather talking to me about magic of contemplation. Contemplate and believe in your dreams then the nature forces would work on it and make it happen! It has worked for me :)
The two main ingredients are perseverance and passion. You need utmost energy and hard work to make it happen!!If you dream of doing what you say and seed those dream by nourishing with hardwork and passion it would definately blossom into success. You are now an entrepreneur.
Thoughts? Comment? Feedback?