Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This is for you!!

Thank you, feel deeply humble for all the good wishes I had received today.
Feel truly blessed to have so many people wishing good!! Spirits are so pure.
It is during this time where testaments are challenged and true evaluations are done to see if you are truly loved and cared…and its all because of you …
Thank you…thank you to each and ever one of you…you made me part of your wishes…you remembered me and wished me the very best…Could’t have asked for more this birthday than this.
I made a special pray to lord today…to be kind on each and every soul on this earth and be blessed with so many friends and family as I have been.

This short poem is for you!!

I pray and I pray for all
To be blessed in my prayer to lord
To have friends and family so kind
To be part of me during ups and downs of my life

Oh blessed I feel
For all the friends I seek
For making my birthday so fine
To all my dear ones
I thank you all for once
To be part of my journey
Could not have been so great
Without your stake
Hence I dedicate this poem
Because you are my true triumph

Thursday, December 3, 2009

It was all worth it!

It’s been a while I have written….
This one makes its special and something to cherish for the New Year to come.
Very recently I had my master’s commencement.
When I was sitting by the podium before my name was called, I could think of endless adjustments I had to make for this day to happen, number of parties and fun time I had to give up, sleepless days to balance work and studies and the list goes on.
But sitting there on that day made me realizes that it was all worth it.
It is not until you see the results of your perseverance that you realize the true taste of success.
Message today is very simple, whichever path you are pursuing, there may be several roadblocks, several failures, endless thoughts of giving it up …don’t quit. Very soon you will realize that “It was all worth it”