Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Persistence has various understanding as people experience and implement in their own lives!!
For me, recently this word was Re-defined that I would like to share.

In January I have installed a new service, providers name shall stay anonymous.
To my disbelief I learned about a humongous bill which disheartened me.
I spoke about this to my aunt, she right then and there started making contacts and phone calls to the service agent to understand why things were the way they were , to my dismay her calls were not welcomed . She did not give up. Her unexceptionally persistent continued, She spoke to agent, then to the supervisor, then to managers and the list goes on.
Not only had that she went on to the site and whoever contact information in the customer relationship department she could find she called. Rejections followed from all different directions.
By mid-February, almost a month of follow through. I asked her to give up and told her she did her best and that this company would’t budge, I already paid the bill and forgot about it.

And now almost 2 months later she calls me yesterday and tells me that she had not given up. She continued pursuing making calls daily, leaving several message and she finally spoke to the VP of customer service department and they are ready to reconsider my bill.

WOW !! Awestruck by this incident
Never Never Never deny or underestimate Power of Persistence, Don’t ever GIVE UP, just because its not coming along the way you planned .
Short real life instance, but could be applicable in so many different ways!!!

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