Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Small step for a complete life renewal!!

Have you ever wondered how one could continuous self improve?
Wait a second; you may ask a question, why do I need to self improve?
Answer is simple, in today’s volatile world, being best is not always enough. People’s attitude change, their expectation change and with that if you were at your best in your own world you will be lost and easily forgotten.

Social networking is one the necessities today. World’s paradigm is changing ever second. One needs to abreast with all the changes and keep learning and get better ever-single day.

What would be one the simplest (may not be the easiest thing) solution one could adapt to for the changes around you? Well, setting goals ever morning and reflecting upon it ever evening would be one of the surest solutions. But what has worked even more wonderfully for me is having a new adaptation in my goal every single week and practicing it ever since. So imagine a jar where you would add a pebble every single week. By the end of the year it would probably be over flowing. Now reflect this thought on yourself. Every single week you push yourself to learn or adapt to a new regime. At the end of the month you would have four new elements you would have learned and by the end of the year, when you were to look back and you will be aghast as to how much you have grown and learned from it.

Adaptation and weekly learning’s could be as simple as “ I will make sure I will make at least one person smile” or “I will make sure I wake up every morning by 5:00” or “I am going to keep my self updated with financial news” or as aggressive as “ I will take care of myself by maintaining healthy diet”Which ever you choose, stick by it. Make sure you keep a journal as you make progress. Small step for a complete life renewal!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My world my sister

If I were to start talking about a remarkable sister I have, I would probably run out of pages…can’t say enough here…
The reason why I am here in USA with our parents in India is because my sister is around.
I have learned so much from her, that some times I wonder am I really the older one?
We are just two years apart but we grew up as best friends one could ever imagine!
To extend where we both did our senior engineering year together and yes we graduated to gather as well!!
She is one of the most practical, understanding, loving and caring individual I have ever met.

Some of the amazing lessons I have learned from her and still learning is
Her top most priority has always been family. No matter what, if it means to leave work for 5 days and visit India she would’t give a second thought and do it right away. How many people can do that?

Another great quality that I struggle to adapt with is Simplicity. She is so happy and attain with where she is today. She has no complains, what so ever in her life. I am truly amazed!!

Last but not the least a thought I would like to leave you all with. This one I would always remember and I urge you all to at the least to think about.
Not long ago, my sister was on her way from Columbus, OH to visit me here in Salt Lake City. She called me from the airport and told me that the flight was delayed by two hours. I was very upset when I learned that. In an hour or so she calls me again and tells me that her flight was delayed by another 2 hours…now I was furious. Here I am thinking I just get a weekend to spend with her and I am already missing all the time I could have had with her.
She very humbly tells me Sheetal, “DON’T SWEAT ON SMALL STUFF”. Powerful words! It worked. I was at peace immediately. Then she continued, “There is lot of things in this world that isn’t under our control. Do we really want to get worked up with that? What good does it do to us”?

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful person in my life. So today I salute to all the siblings out there and cherish this amazing thought with all of you.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Guidance by Dipak Jain

Some of the quotes and advice I noted during a session I attended at Jaina Convention 2009.
Dipak Jain, Dean of Kellogg’s Business school, shared below quotes and advice (One of the person I respect and admire the most)

“Attitude is best predictor of person’s altitude”

Three things one must do and apprise ourselves daily with
1) Reflect: Spend few minutes to reflect everyday including some of the achievements and failures; what would you like tomorrow to be.
2) Renew: Renew your thoughts. Think out side the box. Not only expand your thoughts with what you would you like to be tomorrow but also how you would like to see yourself in 5 years. This could be personal or work related.
3) Responsibility: Every one of us should take the responsibility of being what we are and what we choose to do with our lives.

The way you could change world question.
“To the world you can be a person but to person you can be a world”

“Challenge in front of you is never bigger than forces behind you”.

Share a cultural experience.

Life is all about learning

Success is all about making a difference

"Outcome is a sight but the process to reach the outcome is insight

In the time of the crisis the people who make a sound decision are the ones who have their feet on ground.

Don’t loose Jain values

“When shadow becomes longer than height remember it is about to sunset”

Monday, July 6, 2009

Two Top Lessons I learned from “My Sister's Keeper”

Sometimes what you hear and see may not be everything to it. Keeping in mind not to ruin the movie for readers who haven’t seen it, I would not explain here what exactly happened in the movie. It is very easy for people to jump to a negative conclusion without thinking there could be more to it. So before one draws a negative conclusion about a person or an incident think twice or may be more.

Some decisions are extremely hard to accept, however the more one takes time to make them the more one would suffer. Even though for a short term one would suffer making that decision, but one would be amazed for its profuse long-term results, which may not be speculated early or very easily.