Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My world my sister

If I were to start talking about a remarkable sister I have, I would probably run out of pages…can’t say enough here…
The reason why I am here in USA with our parents in India is because my sister is around.
I have learned so much from her, that some times I wonder am I really the older one?
We are just two years apart but we grew up as best friends one could ever imagine!
To extend where we both did our senior engineering year together and yes we graduated to gather as well!!
She is one of the most practical, understanding, loving and caring individual I have ever met.

Some of the amazing lessons I have learned from her and still learning is
Her top most priority has always been family. No matter what, if it means to leave work for 5 days and visit India she would’t give a second thought and do it right away. How many people can do that?

Another great quality that I struggle to adapt with is Simplicity. She is so happy and attain with where she is today. She has no complains, what so ever in her life. I am truly amazed!!

Last but not the least a thought I would like to leave you all with. This one I would always remember and I urge you all to at the least to think about.
Not long ago, my sister was on her way from Columbus, OH to visit me here in Salt Lake City. She called me from the airport and told me that the flight was delayed by two hours. I was very upset when I learned that. In an hour or so she calls me again and tells me that her flight was delayed by another 2 hours…now I was furious. Here I am thinking I just get a weekend to spend with her and I am already missing all the time I could have had with her.
She very humbly tells me Sheetal, “DON’T SWEAT ON SMALL STUFF”. Powerful words! It worked. I was at peace immediately. Then she continued, “There is lot of things in this world that isn’t under our control. Do we really want to get worked up with that? What good does it do to us”?

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful person in my life. So today I salute to all the siblings out there and cherish this amazing thought with all of you.

1 comment:

  1. This is so very heartfelt and sweet! I hope she reads this! That group of books, DONT SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF, are such good books! Great advice...I need to take that internally too! :)
