Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Who do you want to take your picture with?

This topic is a special dedication to my dear friend who enlightens me with his ideas.
Got another new learning in my life, which I would like to share with all of you.
I was disturbed by for the fact that I missed an opportunity to have my picture taken with a celebrity and my friend was not able to figure out why.
To my bewilderment, I asked him the same question and his answer astounded me

He told me about a couple, whose monthly income was only $1000. They alternated the days they would have a meal i.e. if husband eats his meal on Mondays, the wife would skip Mondays but instead eat on Tuesday and vice-verse. By doing so their monthly savings was around $400. The money thus saved was to be spent on helping someone in need!! “Wow” is what I said as soon I heard this…to this he said, he would want his picture to be taken with a couple like this!!
Another example, a beggar saving his money to help old-age home people who are helpless, dependent and have no source of income, he would want to take a picture with that person.

Sounds unrealistic, doesn’t? Do we really see many people who would cut corners to help someone who is a complete stranger and expect nothing in return? Give a thought to this, I am sure I will, and the next time when you have an opportunity, who would you want to take your picture with?


  1. excellent,sheetal very good thinking.one proverb is that god help thouse who helps themself but i think this should be god helps thouse who helps other.keep it up.


  2. Hey Sheetaldidi, keep it up. Very well written. I recollect a similar story of 'Puniya shravak' from the books I used to read before. A great message :)

  3. Amazing post that has me thinking! You are such a great example, thank you for this reminder today to humble myself! xoxo

  4. Hey Sheetal-----------This is absolutely true of what u have written. We people r ready to spend to see a celebrity or on luxuries then to be a part of the process of helping the needy and trying to uplift them without expecting anything in return. By such small gestures one is making the world more humane to live in.


