Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's Not Always Performance

I have always struggle with the concept of performance until now or may I say at the least I am trying to take a shot at it.

Some says Performance is a summation of 3 P's Practice, Perseverance & Patience
Scientifically if someone ask I would say Performance equals Velocity which equates to Distance divided by the Time, which simply means how far one has succeeded over a given period of time.

It’s intriguing subject because when I am studying the concept of PIE Model (Performance Image and Exposure) from the entrepreneurs /business gurus around the world, performance constitutes only 10% of your success
Before we further deep dive a quick over view of what I am talking about.
Over years there has been a mantra taught in the professional world, in order to be successful and continue climbing the corporate ladder one needs to understand the concept of PIE Model = P(Performance the actual work you do, the results you deliver)+I(Image the others have of you)+E (Exposure enables you to be promoted) which constitutes 10% Performance, 30% Image and 60% Exposure.
So if that is the case, why do people struggle and try so hard for 10% and not concentrate on remaining 90%?
One easy answer could be lack of awareness to this concept; however deep dive answer lies as how we as human beings are wired .
We as human being, right from the birth have been trained to just keep striving and are expected to just focus on performing!!

So here is the challenge and change of thought. Lets for a change look at the entire compound and evaluate oneself in front of our seniors, colleagues or customers and try asses from that which piece of the equation needs to be worked on …One would be surprised IT'S NOT ALWAYS PERFORMANCE


  1. Nice thought, but feel like this is just the start of the topic.
    Am I right in guessing that you still have to perform 100% of what is expected of you, but that is just about 10% of the whole mix needed to be successful and climbing up the ladder? If yes, how do someone having a proper 9-5 job with lunches at desk manage to steal more time for the remaining 90% of the big mix?

    'Image of you' has still to do mostly with your performance [I include deliverables, professional and social conduct at work in it]. I am not sure your seniors/colleagues will have a great Image of you if you are not performing 100% which again comes back to the 9-5 scenario.

    As for Exposure, what kind of it are you referring here?

    Look forward to knowing more about this topic.

  2. Sheetal-----What i understand from this blog is that one should not work in water tight compartments because then due to lack of exposure u will not be able to perform according to the requirement and ur approach will be a narrow one. U have to perform but its level will depend on the level of exposure u r getting. Then comes what is the impression of ur seniors. Despite performance u may not be rewarded suitably and depends on a number of factors. The ability to put across and highlight ur achievements to ur seniors is one such big area which a number of people lack. Thats why people with Flamboyance and having a high profile r much talked and persons who r having a low profile but who r the brains behind the achievements remain in the back ground.

    its a big area which have to analysed and disceted bit by bit to work the weak areas.
