Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ameliorate your Vocabulary

So many times I have heard people say, “This is so hard”, “There is No way I will be able to do it” “I am NEVER going to make it” “I just CANNOT find time anymore”

The more and more one negates and self talks in above manner, one would cater away from getting any work done.

As John Maxwell very well said, “Saying you believe yourself will not guarantee your success, but saying you don’t believe in yourself will guarantee failure”
So once again think before you want to say it out loud…Choose your words carefully when you want others to listen to you, as sometime more than helping others or yourself you are unknowingly serving neither. In fact coasting further away from your goals.

“The power of words is immense. Well chosen words have stopped armies, changed defeat to victory, and saved empires”- Emile de Girardin.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Moment that matters!!

I have often heard people get easily discourage if what they have planned for the day does not start the way they wanted.
For example, “In order for me to get done whatever I have planned for the day, I will wake up at 5:00 am and do x, y and z but guess what I woke up at 7:00 and now I am so messed up"!

For me first day of the year or month or a day is not the signal when I want to get things straighten up but it is the moment I realize that I need to get more effective and productive. That moment could happen in the middle of a meeting, in the middle of the day or it could be as late as at the end of that day!!
It really does not matter if it is at 3:00 pm or 7:00 am it is the moment when I decide that I need to straighten things up and get disciplined. I make sure I start my day from there

Remember the principle of half glass full or half glass empty theory; Decision is ours, which way we would like to see it. So my suggestion would be whatever your goal for the day or for the month is don’t despair if things have not worked out for you so far, make this moment count!! Promise your self that no matter what it is NOW that matters, in order for you to be more effectual and feel accomplished in the fields you have promised yourself to do your utter best.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Moments of silence

In this hustle bustle of life, there many moments lost where one wished they had more time to think before they took an action.

Every now and then, there are moments one encounter that they wished they had some more time to reflect, some more time!!

One of the effective solutions that have worked for me is to cancel all the external noises.
Turn of the phone if you get too many phone calls, isolate yourself in the area where no one can find you and most importantly observe silence. There is a tremendous energy lost when you talk too much and keep complaining you have so much to do and no time, if you were to observe even an hour silence a day you will see amount of energy you would conserve for it to be effective for a more productive results!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Winning the game!!

It is not until one invests 80% in preparation that will determine remaining 20% of action to win the game. One of the quotes quoted in Darren’s blog so rightly said,
“If I had eight hours to chop down a tree,I’d spend the first six sharpening the ax”. —Abraham Lincoln

From my recent personal experience preparation is what helped me to win the game.
I contemplated the way I wanted to play prior to game. How I would react with each and every chance I would get. Connected spiritually with my inner mind and said “No mistake, what so ever”!!
And it worked superbly.

Been a so-so player so far but with today’s victory I conquer that contemplating and preparing for the game even before it was going to happen, helped tremendously!!
So here is my take, whenever one gets ready for finals whether its presentation, meetings, crucial conversation, games or exams! You will win if you play to win with right spirit. By that I mean “Preparation” is number one key to success. Emotionally especially! Play in your head just the way you want to play in actual and you will surely reap benefits not saying to forget practice as it is a key ingredient as well. But if you haven't prepared mentally no matter how much you have practice it could go all in vain!!