Friday, June 19, 2009

Moment that matters!!

I have often heard people get easily discourage if what they have planned for the day does not start the way they wanted.
For example, “In order for me to get done whatever I have planned for the day, I will wake up at 5:00 am and do x, y and z but guess what I woke up at 7:00 and now I am so messed up"!

For me first day of the year or month or a day is not the signal when I want to get things straighten up but it is the moment I realize that I need to get more effective and productive. That moment could happen in the middle of a meeting, in the middle of the day or it could be as late as at the end of that day!!
It really does not matter if it is at 3:00 pm or 7:00 am it is the moment when I decide that I need to straighten things up and get disciplined. I make sure I start my day from there

Remember the principle of half glass full or half glass empty theory; Decision is ours, which way we would like to see it. So my suggestion would be whatever your goal for the day or for the month is don’t despair if things have not worked out for you so far, make this moment count!! Promise your self that no matter what it is NOW that matters, in order for you to be more effectual and feel accomplished in the fields you have promised yourself to do your utter best.

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