Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Winning the game!!

It is not until one invests 80% in preparation that will determine remaining 20% of action to win the game. One of the quotes quoted in Darren’s blog so rightly said,
“If I had eight hours to chop down a tree,I’d spend the first six sharpening the ax”. —Abraham Lincoln

From my recent personal experience preparation is what helped me to win the game.
I contemplated the way I wanted to play prior to game. How I would react with each and every chance I would get. Connected spiritually with my inner mind and said “No mistake, what so ever”!!
And it worked superbly.

Been a so-so player so far but with today’s victory I conquer that contemplating and preparing for the game even before it was going to happen, helped tremendously!!
So here is my take, whenever one gets ready for finals whether its presentation, meetings, crucial conversation, games or exams! You will win if you play to win with right spirit. By that I mean “Preparation” is number one key to success. Emotionally especially! Play in your head just the way you want to play in actual and you will surely reap benefits not saying to forget practice as it is a key ingredient as well. But if you haven't prepared mentally no matter how much you have practice it could go all in vain!!

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