Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Think like a Man, Act like a Woman and Forgive like a Child!!

What does this topic mean? May be a common question in every readers mind as they are reading this topic, isn’t?
Think like a man, when I say that, I am implying that men are known for cognitive decision, when they have to make a decision between rights and wrongs in the business or any other situation they are known to think through their heads than hearts. When it comes to financial planning they are risk takers and make some solid wise decision than a women, who is known to be more apprehensive than men while making such decisions.

However, once the decision is made emotional intelligence plays a key role in order to succeed that’s when “act like a women” does its wonders. Women are sensitive their approachability to subject , which includes business and/or family related is directly proportional to what they feel if they were in opponents shoe, they come across more humble and sensitive which works stunningly in deal making than men who could be egoistical and boasting.

However hardest thing of all is to let go and forgive people while dealing day to day matter and at this point both Men and Women fail!! That is when “Forgive like a child” does its marvel. Have you seen a kid ever being upset or mad at anyone, Of course excluding cases when baby is hunger or tired or sick…but a child is as forgiving and as close to god one could imagine. In fact many preacher give an example to be as forgiving as child and ask people to implement it into their day to day lives.

Thus “Think like Man, Act like Woman and Forgive like child” to triumph your life !!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

My Love for NBA

People wonder and ask me as to why I love and appreciate NBA playoffs!!
My answer is simple; this game is all about winning!!
Every player in the game matters, and every sec counts, remember Cleveland and Magic game where Lebron scored points in remaining 1 sec of the game and won!! WOW

I cherish game as sheer motivator for my personal life. People are indeed passionate!!
By now almost all players are injured, worn out and extremely exhausted but in about 48 hours they are back in action!!

I try using similar principal in my life, making every second count for my action. “Game of Life” so called is extremely interesting.
For example at work one is so focused and is working extremely hard, then just 10-15 minutes before he/she is ready to leave for home, that person is either caught surfing net or just talking to colleagues when CEO enters the room. What kind of impression would that leave?
Even better you have worked extraordinarily hard for your exams, been up burning candles and on day of exams you are so exhausted that you are not able to perform 100%

In any of these above scenario what is the point if one cannot perform 100% at their final run? All hard work is in the drain!! I look at games like NBA and try to self implement that no matter how hard you have worked what matter are those finales…If one is able to perform than he/she is a true Champion of Life!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Personal Note

Something personal to me that I am going to share.

I know this person very well. She has a huge contribution in raising me.
She has been in United States of America for about 20 years.
When people are tired, they would probably take her name and ask for strength and continue to work.
She is 78 years old and not to mention the most important thing, she is living here for 20 years without car!!

So when she wants to make my favorite meal what does she do. She plans ahead for about three days in advance. She changes at least 3 buses to get the right grocery for me.
Then next days she again goes to the other end of the city and brings my most favorite fruits by changing at least 4 buses one way. Carrying at minimum 10 lb bags in each hand. She is still a perfectionist and extremely endearing. Her cooking is infectious.

I see people at her age and thank god that she is so blessed to be healthy. I wish I could do half of the work she does.
The greatest learning I have learned from her, never compromise on your ability to serve. Do what you can but whatever work you do, do it so well as if god had to evaluate you.

The person I am talking about is no other than my "Grandmother".

Friday, May 15, 2009

Will you choose Blue pill or Red Pill for your life?

Have you seen movie Matrix? In that character “Neo” is asked to choose between a Blue pill and a Red pill and guess what he chooses? The one and that leads rest of the movie.

If you haven’t seen that movie and have no idea what I am talking about no sweat.
Basically, what I am relating to is in your life. You have two options to choose, one so called “Red Pill” and if you choose that then you will live your life like an ordinary human being. You wake up, go to work, feed your family and thus the routine continues. Or you have an option to choose “Blue Pill” and if you were to choose that then, you can lead an extraordinary life where you will get a chance that would differentiate you from others and you will be successful.

We all are given options and of course the easier one is the “Red Pill” where you don’t have to do much and just live your life, thus it makes it an easier selection then the other. The way “Blue pill” distinguish is you will surely have certain risks, hardship and tons of failure, “Wait a second” you may ask “why try, eh”? As Albert Einstein truly said, “If you haven’t failed, you’re not trying hard enough” and hence in order to be someone unique and inconceivable one would really need to start thinking as to what do they want to choose? Not only that but ask yourself what kind of legacy you want to leave? How do you want your friends, peers and most important your family members to remember you?
Maybe, a thought for weekend to ponder!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Resolution clean up!!!

In no time we will be closely approaching towards last half of the year. This would be a good time to introspect and go over any list items you may have prepared at the beginning of this year.

Some of the items you might have already achieved in that case you might want to cross those of and pat your back for that achievement.
On the other end even if you have not started working on them, then this would be a good opportunity to refocus your energy and aspiration towards it.
There could be some add on that you might want to address in your list.

Whatever it is like spring-cleaning lets start working and clean of our goal and objectives for this year whether they are career related, social, spiritual or personal!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Power of contemplation

In one of my previous blog I have mention a word contemplate. I looked into dictionary and it simply meant " to think seriously" or "plan". But what I am going to talk about today is beyond that.

The meaning is much deeper. My grandfather once heard this message from Dr Wayne Dyer and from there he taught me this amazing lessons, which I am about to share with you the ultimate power of contemplation.

So what is it that you may ask? Answer is very simple and if you are truly determined it is very easy to follow. It is art of science where you work with your conscious to be able to reap success to what ever your dream is.

For example, if you want to become a musician and you currently are working as engineer if you contemplate by bringing all your energy and positive force in believing your self as a true musician guess what you will be able to do it. All you have to do is churn that belief into reality by means of perseverance and become so focus on your dream that you would not give it up until you have it transformed it to reality.

I believed that and it has shown amazing results to me.
Today I want you to give a try . Pick one of your dreams that you wish you could have done and don’t let it just stay as a dream but contemplate until it changes to reality!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

My today’s tribute is to my mother in fact on my sister’s behalf our mother.
Everyone has a special memory of the time that they spend with their mom. We have some special ones too. If anyone would ask in our family who the most caring, giver, loving, compassionate and amazing person. The answer would come out straight right it would be my mom. I have been in USA for about 9 some year, but there has not been a single year where my mom leaving my dad for 5-6 months has not spent time with my sister and me. Why if you may ask, just to make sure we are doing okay and so that we do not miss their presence. Who does that ?????My shout out goes to my dad for his sacrifice!

I could go on pages after pages thanking my parents for making us so successful where we are today. It would have been impossible if they did not trust us. They had this amazing optimistic view about our future. Today where my sister and me stand is due to an immense sacrifice from my parents and their belief in us. I feel humbly blessed and thankful to god for having wonderful godily parents.

Often time we take things for granted and forget to thank and say how much we love them. I would encourage to all my dear friends. Make a special call to your Mom and tell her how much you care and love her!!More than gifts it is those special words, which are more precious and it means whole world to her!
"Happy Mother's Day"

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Procrastination is a roadblock to success!!

Best way to address matter/work that you dislike the most is to get it done first.
Sounds weird but the feeling of getting that work accomplished would have ripple effects that would last for the rest of your day.

I understand the reason it does not get done is for the fact that you just don’t want to do it, but I urge you to get it done first thing in the morning. You would be so pumped that you will get another 10 things done and feel so accomplished for the day!

Procrastinating your work is not only prejudicial thought pending in your mind but also somewhere it has inert reaction with your day-to-day work you do.Energy that would converge once that roadblock is addressed is boundless.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

To ultimately testify quality of friends and peers around you it is truly dependent on their act in amidst challenges. The term challenges could vary from one person to another. It could be anywhere from hitting their car to losing someone close to you.
In those circumstances are they by your side?
The true testimony is how well do they cooperate and help you then.

I had one of those incidences yesterday where my dear friends awesomeness and kindness did its charm, I could have had to go to lot worst and yes it was totally my fault.
I really feel blessed!
People say we need to go to temple to pray but my dad has always advised me and I thank him for that, is that a true prayer and religion is “To be good and Do good “and that is what just happened yesterday. It is indeed following a true religion to forgive and be so humble after that is an act of godliness.

So my challenge today to you all is to think and evaluate who surrounds you, who are your true sponsors or who has your back?Whether at work or amongst your friends? Yes you may have few friends just to have good times and nothing else. But when you need someone who will be the one by you?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Edit button works great!!

My day began not the way I wanted one thing after the other failed.
I almost broke down into tears as everything was falling apart.
Do you know a feeling where you want everything done today and nothing at all gets done?
I had one of those days today.
But in spite of these odd ordeals something worked out just fine for me.

Edit!! If I were to delete all those instances from the day and look back how some of them if not done today would have caused me even more trouble later, now I suddenly feel better.
Edit!! It is process of instant gratification
Edit!! When I look on the brighter side I was assured of the some positive outcome that would benefit me in near future.
Edit!! Every instant has purpose and reason, some of those events are inevitable what is in my hand is to just delete some of unsatisfactory events and raise my head up high and look forward for a brighter and a vibrant day.

Monday, May 4, 2009

I am on Facebook....Now what?

Are you wondering if you really need to have a blog, be on twitter, facebook or stay connected via linkedin?

So far I have interacted with two kinds of people, one who are actively connected to networking sites and ones that are clueless and have no idea as to why they need to.

I just finished reading a book called Social Networking by Liz Lynch. A very informative and easy to read I would say. It serves both kind of people that I have mention above the ones who have no idea, it will give you an insight as to why it so important and how to get started and to the novice audience it would teach you some important tools as to how you could continue connecting and networking better and efficiently. I definitely recommend it!

Some of the lesson I have learned so far. I have seen number of real time stories regarding people looking out for a job via monster, ladders or any of those sites and have had no luck. Impressively to them these networking sites have helped. It is amazing to learn how they have connected with right person via using one the social networking sites. Not only that many entrepreneurial initiatives began via connecting with new people and letting them know what one was looking for.
If you are interested in socializing and learn more about people and stay connected 24X7 nothing could be a better way than using one of the social sites. Some of the initiatives that you haven’t even thought could emerge by connecting with right people or right group of people.
Just started a new e-business or any in that matter, need to pull in customers? Still wondering where to go about and start advertising for free?
I could list endless list of how much connecting via social networking sites is absolutely must in today’s environment. If you have doubt and wonder how it could benefit you and if you are still unsure feel free to write to me.
Happy Social Networking!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Have you been touched lately??

I am so touched!! Yesterday I had been to Bajio's for dinner.
This is was my first time ever!
I admit that I am a little too paranoid vegetarian, So I was making sure if the beans had veggie oil in it, If the Mexican rice had no chicken broth and so on...This wonderful person did not know the answer...There were only two people working there and there was a huge line behind me.
But so that I enjoy my meal with all the right ingredient she took off her cell phone and called her manager and made sure that each and every item that I was going to try in my salad had all the right vegetarian stuff in it.
I was so touched by her gesture!! Such a wonderful thing for a person to do!! She had a mesmerizing smile in utter chaotic situation but she found time for me. Who does that?There are very few people around, who would go out of their way to please each and ever customer. I humbly thank them...Have you been touched lately?