Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

To ultimately testify quality of friends and peers around you it is truly dependent on their act in amidst challenges. The term challenges could vary from one person to another. It could be anywhere from hitting their car to losing someone close to you.
In those circumstances are they by your side?
The true testimony is how well do they cooperate and help you then.

I had one of those incidences yesterday where my dear friends awesomeness and kindness did its charm, I could have had to go to lot worst and yes it was totally my fault.
I really feel blessed!
People say we need to go to temple to pray but my dad has always advised me and I thank him for that, is that a true prayer and religion is “To be good and Do good “and that is what just happened yesterday. It is indeed following a true religion to forgive and be so humble after that is an act of godliness.

So my challenge today to you all is to think and evaluate who surrounds you, who are your true sponsors or who has your back?Whether at work or amongst your friends? Yes you may have few friends just to have good times and nothing else. But when you need someone who will be the one by you?


  1. something worth to ponder over..

  2. Friendship for me is real feelings towards the other without any blood relationship. It's a ship which can sail in any condition of life whether its rough sailing or smooth sailing.
    when you are in a friendship one must think of giving more than expecting anything, it will get you a lot. If the friend is such a wonderful one, but do not expect anything in friendship, nothing will go wrong
